Research Fellow – Health & Well-being Priority Research Area (H&W PRA), School of Health, Well-being & Social Work, The Open University, UK
Projects currently involved in:
- Covid-19: Dating Apps, Social Connections, Loneliness, & Mental Health in a Pandemic. 2020-present. Hannah R. Marston (PI), Sarah Earle, Deborah J. Morgan (Swansea University), Robin Hadley (Co-Is) (H&W PRA). £3330.00
- Covid-19: Technology, Social Connections, Loneliness & Leisure Activities. 2020-present. Hannah R. Marston, (PI), Sarah Earle, et al., (Co-Is).
- Covid-19: Vulnerable Young People Living with Life-limiting/Life-threatening Conditions and their Families. 2020-present. Sarah Earle (PI), Hannah R. Marston, et al., (Co-Is).
- Adjust Tech, Accessible Technology (ATAT). 2020-present. Deborah J. Morgan (Swansea University) (PI), Hannah R. Marston (Open University), Gemma Wilson and Jessica Gates (Northumbria University) (Co-Is). Funded by CHERISH-DE – £8k; H&W SRA – £2125.40.
- ICT use by Health & Social Care Practitioners. Sharif Haider (PI), Hannah R. Marston (Co-I) (H&W PRA), £3805.30
- Games for Health & mHealth Apps for Police & Blue Light Personnel: A Scoping Review. CPRL January – July 2018. Marston, H.R (PI), Pike, G. (Co-I), Walkington, Z (Co-I), Hesketh, I (Co-I/Policing Partner), Hadley, R. (Collaborator). £5103.06 (External funding)
- 2018-2019 Cognitive gaming as a vaccination for PTSD arising from CEOPs work. Pike, G., (PI), Marston, H.R. (Co-I), Walkington, Z, (Co-I), Smith, J (Policing Partner). CPRL. £2200.00 (External funding)
- ACTIS Advanced Clinical Technology Innovation Support Project(ERDF)
- ECG/Wearable Devices a Scoping Review (H&W PRA), £2000.00
- Hannah R. Marston, (PI), Duncan Banks (Co-I)
- Fertility/Menstruation Scoping Review (STEM, OU), £3000.00
- Duncan Banks (PI), Hannah R. Marston (Co-I), Sarah Earle (Co-I), Victoria Newton (Co-I)
- Technology 4 Young Adults (T4YA) (H&W PRA)
- Technology In Later Life (TILL) (no funding)
January – December 2015
Research Associate – Centre for Research in Computing, STEM, The Open University, UK
Projects involved in:
- Monetize Me (EPSRC) Grant #EP/L021285/1. £699,390
- Technology In Later Life (TILL) – 2015-2017
- Fun in Retirement (2013-2015) – SSHRC, Canada. Grant #430-2013-00124. $33,460
Post-doctoral Fellow – Institute of Movement & Sport Gerontology, German Sports University Cologne, Germany
Projects involved in:
August 2010-2011
Post-doctoral Fellow – David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, ON, Canada
Research Assistant – Centre for Innovative Ageing, Swansea University, UKMay-July 2010Projects involved in:
- Extracare in Wales. Funded by the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG)
Self-employed Researcher – March 2010. A:Design Association, Newcastle, Tyneside, UK
- Project: Identification of Business Membership Organizations across the North East of England
Lecturer/Teaching Assistant – September 2005 – May 2008. School of Computing, Teesside University, Middlesbrough, UKSelf-employed Research – August 2007 – February 2008. One North East (ONE), Regional Development Agency, Newcastle, UK
- Project: Employment and Self-employment opportunities for the Deaf community across the North East
Research Assistant – January 2005 – July 2006. School of Computing, Teesside University, Middlesbrough, UK
- Project: Current trends of computer games and older adults – CODEWORKS ATL, Newcastle.