Grants & Research Studies


Funded by the Health & Wellbeing Strategic Research Area (H&W SRA)

  1. Carers Use of Technology (CUT) project. 2021-2022. Hannah R. Marston (Open University) (PI), Deborah J. Morgan (Swansea University) Gemma Wilson, Amy Johnson and Jessica Gates (Northumbria University) (Co-Is). Funded by H&W SRA – £3275.00
  2. Adjust Tech, Accessible Technology (ATAT). 2020-present. Deborah J. Morgan (Swansea University) (PI), Hannah R. Marston (Open University), Gemma Wilson and Jessica Gates (Northumbria University) (Co-Is). Funded by CHERISH-DE – £8k; H&W SRA – £2125.40.
  3. Covid-19: Dating Apps, Social Connection, Loneliness & Mental Health in a Pandemic. Marston, H.R. (PI), Earle, S., Morgan, D.J., & Hadley, R. Health and (H&W SRA), OU. £3330.00.
  4. COVID19: Technology, Social Connections, Loneliness & Leisure ActivitiesMarston, H.R. (PI), Earle, S. (Co-I). No external funding received.
  5. COVID-19: Vulnerable Young People Living with Life-Limiting/Life-Threatening Conditions and their Families. Earle, S., (Co-I), Marston, H.R. (PI), O’Dell, L., Blackburn, M., Downing, J., Flemming, K., Sinason, V., Hale, J., Watts, L., Whitney, S.
  6. 2019-2020 Technology, Engagement & Social Connections in the Women’s Institute (TESC_WI). Marston, H.R. (PI). £3000.00 (on hold)
  7. 2018-2019 Games for Health & mHealth Apps for Police & Blue Light Personnel: A Scoping Review. CPRL January – July 2018. Marston, H.R (PI), Pike, G. (Co-I), Walkington, Z (Co-I), Hesketh, I (Co-I/Policing Partner), Hadley, R. (Collaborator). £5103.06 (External funding)
  8. 2018-2019 Cognitive gaming as a vaccination for PTSD arising from CEOPs work. Pike, G., (PI), Marston, H.R. (Co-I), Walkington, Z, (Co-I), Smith, J (Policing Partner). CPRL. £2200.00 (External funding)
  9. 2018-2019  ICT use by Health & Social Care Practitioners. Haider, S.M (PI), & Marston, H.R. (Co-I). Health and (H&W PRA), OU. £3805.30
  10. 2017-2018  ECG/Wearables Scoping Review Project. Marston, H.R. (PI) & Banks, D. (H&W PRA), OU. £2000.00
  11. 2017-2018  Fertility/ Menstruation Scoping Review. Banks, D., (PI), Marston, H.R., Earle S. Synergy, (STEM), OU £3000.00
  12. 2016-2017  Technology 4 Young People (T4YA) projectMarston, H.R. (H&W PRA), OU January-July 2017. £2930.00.
  13. 2016-2017  Language learning & ageing: cognitive & social benefits of online and distance language learning interactions for older learners. Stickler, U., Tagg, C., Owen, N., Marston, H.R., Vseteckova, J., McAndrew, P. Health & Wellbeing PRA, OU £4883.06.
  14. 2017-2018 Health & Policing Sandpit(s). Pike, G., (PI) & Marston, H.R. (Co-I). Health & Wellbeing PRA, The Open University. £500.00. match funded with a further £500.00 from the Centre for Policing, Research & Learning. Two sandpits were conducted in May 2018, with academics and police personnel.​ Results from the sandpits have led onto further collaboration and scaling up of research projects. Funding from the CPRL is categorised as external. 

Technology In Later Life (TILL) 2015-2017. Dr H.R. Marston (PI, OU), Dr S. Freeman (UNBC), Dr R. Geno & Dr C. Kulczycki (University of Regina), Dr C.B.A. Musselwhite (Swansea University). ​More information can be found here. No external funding received.

Monetize Me – Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) UK. (2014-2017). Dr. Marston was a Research Associate on this project. More information can be found here

Fun in Retirement – Insight Development Grant. (2013-2015). Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Canada.  Dr. R. Genoe, Dr. T. Lichty, Dr. Marston. File number 430-2013-00124. $33,460.

iStoppFalls FP7 EU. (2011-2014). FP7 EU Project grant agreement no [287361]. The Australian arm was funded by an Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) EU collaboration grant (#1038210). ​Dr. Marston was a Research Scientist on the iStoppFalls and was based at the Institute of Movement & Sport Gerontology, German Sport University (DSHS) Cologne. More information can be found here