Grants & Research Studies
Externally funded projects
DIALOGUE: Digital care technologies for social connection, care and support of older adults.
February 2024- January 2025. Dr G. Gibson (PI, Uni of Stirling), Co-Is – Dr N. Steils (KCL), Dr M. Lariviere (Northumbria University), Dr H.R. Marston (OU), Dr. J. Lynch (Uni of Herts), Dr J. Thorn, (Uni of Bristol), Dr J. Worthington (Bristol Trials Centre, Uni of Bristol), Dr. C. Henderson (LSE), Dr. C. Wilson-Nash (Uni of Stirling), Prof. K. Brittain (Uni of Newcastle), Raj Mehta (PPIE Contributor). Funder: NIHR [160125] £165,771.91.
Funded by the Health & Wellbeing Strategic Research Area (H&W SRA)
- Carers Use of Technology (CUT) project. 2021-2022. Hannah R. Marston (Open University) (PI), Deborah J. Morgan (Swansea University) Gemma Wilson, Amy Johnson and Jessica Gates (Northumbria University) (Co-Is). Funded by H&W SRA – £3275.00
- Adjust Tech, Accessible Technology (ATAT). 2020-present. Deborah J. Morgan (Swansea University) (PI), Hannah R. Marston (Open University), Gemma Wilson and Jessica Gates (Northumbria University) (Co-Is). Funded by CHERISH-DE – £8k; H&W SRA – £2125.40.
- Covid-19: Dating Apps, Social Connection, Loneliness & Mental Health in a Pandemic. Marston, H.R. (PI), Earle, S., Morgan, D.J., & Hadley, R. Health and (H&W SRA), OU. £3330.00.
- COVID19: Technology, Social Connections, Loneliness & Leisure Activities. Marston, H.R. (PI), Earle, S. (Co-I). No external funding received.
- COVID-19: Vulnerable Young People Living with Life-Limiting/Life-Threatening Conditions and their Families. Earle, S., (Co-I), Marston, H.R. (PI), O’Dell, L., Blackburn, M., Downing, J., Flemming, K., Sinason, V., Hale, J., Watts, L., Whitney, S.
- 2019-2020 Technology, Engagement & Social Connections in the Women’s Institute (TESC_WI). Marston, H.R. (PI). £3000.00 (on hold)
- 2018-2019 Games for Health & mHealth Apps for Police & Blue Light Personnel: A Scoping Review. CPRL January – July 2018. Marston, H.R (PI), Pike, G. (Co-I), Walkington, Z (Co-I), Hesketh, I (Co-I/Policing Partner), Hadley, R. (Collaborator). £5103.06 (External funding)
- 2018-2019 Cognitive gaming as a vaccination for PTSD arising from CEOPs work. Pike, G., (PI), Marston, H.R. (Co-I), Walkington, Z, (Co-I), Smith, J (Policing Partner). CPRL. £2200.00 (External funding)
- 2018-2019 ICT use by Health & Social Care Practitioners. Haider, S.M (PI), & Marston, H.R. (Co-I). Health and (H&W PRA), OU. £3805.30
- 2017-2018 ECG/Wearables Scoping Review Project. Marston, H.R. (PI) & Banks, D. (H&W PRA), OU. £2000.00
- 2017-2018 Fertility/ Menstruation Scoping Review. Banks, D., (PI), Marston, H.R., Earle S. Synergy, (STEM), OU £3000.00
- 2016-2017 Technology 4 Young People (T4YA) project. Marston, H.R. (H&W PRA), OU January-July 2017. £2930.00.
- 2016-2017 Language learning & ageing: cognitive & social benefits of online and distance language learning interactions for older learners. Stickler, U., Tagg, C., Owen, N., Marston, H.R., Vseteckova, J., McAndrew, P. Health & Wellbeing PRA, OU £4883.06.
- 2017-2018 Health & Policing Sandpit(s). Pike, G., (PI) & Marston, H.R. (Co-I). Health & Wellbeing PRA, The Open University. £500.00. match funded with a further £500.00 from the Centre for Policing, Research & Learning. Two sandpits were conducted in May 2018, with academics and police personnel. Results from the sandpits have led onto further collaboration and scaling up of research projects. Funding from the CPRL is categorised as external.
Technology In Later Life (TILL) 2015-2017. Dr H.R. Marston (PI, OU), Dr S. Freeman (UNBC), Dr R. Geno & Dr C. Kulczycki (University of Regina), Dr C.B.A. Musselwhite (Swansea University). More information can be found here. No external funding received.
Monetize Me – Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) UK. (2014-2017). Dr. Marston was a Research Associate on this project. More information can be found here
Fun in Retirement – Insight Development Grant. (2013-2015). Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Canada. Dr. R. Genoe, Dr. T. Lichty, Dr. Marston. File number 430-2013-00124. $33,460.
iStoppFalls FP7 EU. (2011-2014). FP7 EU Project grant agreement no [287361]. The Australian arm was funded by an Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) EU collaboration grant (#1038210). Dr. Marston was a Research Scientist on the iStoppFalls and was based at the Institute of Movement & Sport Gerontology, German Sport University (DSHS) Cologne. More information can be found here