Carers Use of Technology (CUT) project
To date, there are approximately 6.5 million people who are carers (Carers UK) and many carers also have additional responsibilities such as work according to Carers UK.
Digital technology has the potential to afford Carers the opportunity to connect with fellow Carers, access resources which may benefit themselves and the person(s) who they are caring for.
However, there is little understanding to the exact needs and requirements surrounding digital technology use by Carers.
Aims and Objectives
The CUT (Carers Use of Technology) project will
- Explore and understand what digital technologies (if any) carers (paid) use in the workplace and to,
- Explore the challenges and barriers they have experienced using digital technology in the workplace
Ethical approval
- The Open University (Dr H.R. Marston) [HREC/4234/MARSTON]
- Swansea University (Dr D.J. Morgan) [210322c]
- Northumbria University (Dr Amy Johnson / Dr G. Wilson-Menzfeld / Ms Jessica Gates) [45279]
Collaborative partnerships:
- AGE Northern Ireland
- Enrich Cymru
Outputs – TBA
Funding – was received via seed corn money (by application) to the Health and Wellbeing Strategic Research Area (September/October 2021).