Media, Impact & Public Engagement

As part of my research I aim to ensure there is impact and public engagement activities, enabling all sectors of society the ability to be included or receive the benefits from the research that I undertake. Below is an overview of current impact and public engagement activities. 

Written Evidence/Policy Documents/Research Projects

  1. Written Evidence. Marston, H.R., van Hoof, J., Dikken, J., & Pavlovski, D. (2024). Written Evidence [TGB0036]. Published 5th November 2024 by The Grey Belt, Built Environment Committee.
  2. Nuffield Council on Bioethics. (2023). The future of ageing: ethical considerations for research and innovation. Published 25.04.23. [evidence submission & research projects cited]
  3. Gilbert, C. (2022). Smarter Homes for Independent Living: Putting People In Control Of Their Lives.  Policy Connect. 

  4. Age-friendly World, World Health Organization (2022). Cardiff. Icon booklets – created via the Adjust Tech, Accessible Technology (ATAT) project. 

  5. Research contribution & engagement (Steering group member): Policy Connect publish the ‘Smarter Homes For Independent Living’, 28th April 2022.

  6. Age-friendly World, World Health Organization (2021). The Hague. 10 Questions concerning age-friendly cities and communities and the built environment published. Available here

  7. Marston, H.R., Morgan, D.J., Wilson-Menzfeld, G., & Turner, R.S. (2021). Written Evidence [RRE0021]. Published 22nd November 2021 by the Science and Technology Committee. Available at

  8. Written Evidence. Turner, R.S., Harrison, R., Gavin, R., & Marston, H.R. (2021). Written Evidence [UNA0004]. Published 27th October 2021 by the Defence Committee. Available at

  9. Written Evidence. Marston, H.R., Morgan, D.J., Wilson-Menzfeld, G., Gates, J.R., & Turner, R. (2021). Written Evidence [PTC0018]. The long-term impact of the pandemic on towns and cities. UK Parliament: submitted 30th June 2021, published 6th July 2021. Available at Accessed 14th July 2021.

  10. “A Health Impact Assessment of ‘Staying at Home and Social Distancing Policy’ in Wales in response to the COVID-19 pandemic” (2020) published by Public Health Wales cites the ‘COVID-19 vs Social Isolation: the Impact Technology can have Communities, Social Connections and Citizens‘ Ageing Issues Blog.

  11. Science and Technology Ageing: Science, Technology and Healthy Living Committee (Lords), 22nd October 2019. Dr Hannah R. Marston and Dr Charles Musselwhite – Associate Professor at the Centre for Innovative Ageing, Swansea University, have had their research evidence published published by the Science and Technology Committee (Lords). House of Lords. (2021). Ageing: Science, Technology and Healthy Living, Science and Technology Select Committee, 1st Report of Session 2019-21. Full report is available here.

  12. Beyond Digital: Planning for a Hybrid World’ report. House of Lords Covid-19 Committee (2021). Beyond Digital: Planning for a Hybrid World. 1st Report of Session 2019-21. Published 21st April 2021. Written Evidence submitted to the UK COVID-19 Committee. Written Evidence a) Marston, H.R., et al., (2020) – Written Evidence [LBCO224] – Life beyond COVID. Published 18th September 2020, COVID-19 Committee. Written evidence. Written Evidence b) Morgan, D.J., Marston, H.R., & Hadley, R. (2020) – Written Evidence [LBCO135] – Life beyond COVID. Published 18th September 2020, COVID-19 Committee. Written evidence. Written Evidence c) Marston, H.R., Wilson, G., Morgan, D.J., & Gates, J. (2020) – Written Evidence [LOL0017] – Living online: the long-term impact on wellbeing. Published 15th December 2020, COVID-19 Committee. Written evidence

  13. Knowledge Exchange Seminar Series (KESS), Northern Ireland Assembly, Stormont, Belfast, UK. Marston, H.R., Freeman, S., Genoe, R., Kulcyzki, C., & Musselwhite, C. (2018). The Cohesiveness of Technology In Later Life: Findings from the Technology In Later Life (TILL) ProjectPolicy Briefing, Knowledge Exchange Seminar Series (KESS), Northern Ireland Assembly, Stormont, Belfast, UK. Policy Briefing document PowerPoint Presentation Presentation Video
  14. Streppelhoff, R.W. (2018). E-Sport und Serious Games: Videospiele im Sportkontext. Eine Bibliogrphie. Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft. Politics and the German Olympic Sport Confederation are evaluating the phenomenon of E-Sports and a bibliography was compiled by Streppelhoff on behalf of the German Federal Institute of Sport Science. This publication is the first step for politicians and sport federations to better understand the different types of videogames and their role in different parts of economy and society. The report is in German and is available here


  1. Panel member. Session 1.3 From disconnection to empowerment in the digital age: exploring age-friendly environments and technological solutions. (2023). World Health Organization European Region Symposium on the Future of Health Systems in a Digital Era. 5-7 September 2023. Porto, Portugal. 
  2. #TheArchitectureOfAgeing – Interview series, September 2022. de Architekten Cie, Amsterdam, NL.
  3. AgeTech Innovation Week – Panel session ‘What is the pandemic’s long-term impact on AgeTech?’ Panel members: Professor Andrew Sixsmith, Dr Hannah R. Marston, Sara Aghvami and Professor Joseph Coughlin (Moderator). The full panel session is available via the AGE-WELL NCE YouTube Channel
  4. Marston, H.R., & Morgan, D.J. (2021). Has Covid-19 changed the dating world? Podcast interview: Catch yerself on. 
  5. Steering group member (2021): Smart Homes and Independent Living Commission, Policy Connect & APPG Assistive Technologies.
  6. Marston, H.R. (2018). Intergenerational Gaming. Interview between Dr H.R. Marston and NETLab. at the International Child and Information Safety Congress “Digital Games”. Ankara, Turkey.  Interview available here

Media articles

  1. Media – Kelly, H. (2021). They laughed, they cried, they killed monsters: How friendships thrived in video games during the pandemic. The Washington Post, 20th March 2021. Retrieved from Accessed 24th May 2021.


Public Engagement & Knowledge Exchange

  1. Marston, H.R. (2019). A review of Age Friendly Virtual Assistive Technologies and their Effect on Daily Living for Carers and Dependent Adults. Ageing Bites, The British Society of Gerontology
  2. Marston, H.R. (2019). From Arcade to World Wide Web – how intergenerational gaming can help you pick up an extra life. Massive Entertainment, Malmo, Sweden​
  3. Marston, H.R. (2018). Assistive Technologies for an Ageing Society. 1st November 2018 MediLink/H&W PRA Assistive Technologies ACTIS Project Event
  4. Marston, H.R. (2018). Too Old for the 21st Century? Presented at the Quaker’s Ackworth School, Ackworth, West Yorkshire, 19th March, 2018.
  5. Marston, H.R. (2017). Using Gamification to Support Active & Assistive Living in the Elderly. 8th November 2017. MediLink/H&W PRA Gamification Special Interest Group, ACTIS Project Event.
  6. Marston, H.R. (2017). Preliminary Findings from the TILL project. Age UK Milton Keynes. Presentation given to participants from the TILL project
  7. Marston, H.R. (22nd February, 2018). ICT Use in Later Life: Lesson’s Learned from the TILL project. To be presented at the: Positive Ageing in London (PAiL) event: Digital Inclusion and Use of ICT by and for Older People.
  8. Marston, H.R. (2017). Health & Wellbeing in the Digital Age. Workshop on Organization development. Centre for Policing Research & Learning (CPRL). The Open University, 3 August. 
  9. Marston, H.R. (2011). Video Game Technology Supporting the Elderly. Radio Interview, 16th October, 2011. Interviewer: Professor J. Gackenbach, Department of Psychology at Grant MacEwan University, Edmonton, Alberta. ​The focus of the interview was based upon the effects of video games within an ageing society. 
    1. Radio Interview – 15th October 2012: 


Dr Gackenbach opens up the podcast series with the following “Video games. Sometimes demonized, always compelling – and wildly popular, video games have become ingrained as part of our society. Yet it is still largely unknown how these games affect the minds of those who play. Find out the truth, the questions, the research – and what we don’t know about this highly controversial part of our society and what they may mean for both the future and for our dreams.”