Previous Activities

PAX Online: Game and Interaction Design for Older Adults: That Means You (Someday) 14th September 2020

Moderator: Michelle Gaudette-Long,

Panel Members: Ahmad Azadvar, Robin Koman, Dr. Hannah Marston, Sheri Graner Ray, Dr. Bob De Schutter

The iGAME (intergenerational: Gaming, Accessibility, Motivation, Engagement) Special Issue is now available.

This SI was led by Hannah and her co-guest editor Ahmad Azadar (User Research project manager at Massive Entertainment (Ubisoft), Sweden. This will be published early 2020. focused on contemporary research and future insights.

In May 2019, Hannah was invited to speak with game designers and developers at Massive Entertainment, Sweden.  Her presentation: ‘From Arcade to World Wide Web – how intergenerational gaming can help you pick up an extra life’ focused on contemporary research and future insights.

Mobile e-Health - Book Cover
Mobile e-Health

During her graduate studies and beyond, Hannah has built up a wide national and international network, across a variety of disciplines and she actively publishes her work, in journals and book chapters. She recently led on the Edited book – Mobile e-Health with Drs. Freeman and Musselwhite. ​

Knowledge Exchange
Seminar Series (KESS)

Hannah has led several projects, including the Technology In Later Life (TILL) project (2015-17), where she presented some preliminary findings under the theme ‘Using Technology in Social Care’ through the Knowledge Exchange Seminar Series (KESS), at the Northern Irish Assembly, Stormont, Belfast, UK. In 2017, Hannah undertook an exploratory project called Technology4YoungAdults (T4YA) funded by the H&W PRA to explore the impact and attitudes of ICT on young adults.

Previously, Hannah worked on the MonetizeMe (EPSRC) project based in the Centre for Research in Computing, at The Open University. Hannah has international expeirence having worked as a research scientist at the Institute of Movement and Sport Gerontology at the German Sport University Cologne, on the EU project – iStoppFalls. Between August 2010-11, Hannah held the position of post-doctoral fellow at the David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo.

Health and Wellbeing Research Logo
Health and Wellbeing Research

Dr Hannah R. Marston is the Research Fellow in the Health & Wellbeing Strategic Research Area (H&W SRA), based in the School of Health, Wellbeing & Social Care in the Faculty of Wellbeing, Education, & Language Studies (WELs) at the Open University, Milton Keynes.

Hannah leads the Digital Health & Wellbeing Special Interest Group, situated under the H&W SRA and since November 2016, Hannah has organised several several events, symposiums and the 2nd Digital Health & Wellbeing Conference (May 2018).