Coffee club meets online!

In my earlier post, I’d noted that the WI coffee club would no longer be meeting.

Well as I was sitting on the sofa this afternoon, turning the pages of the Guardian, reading intently a call came through from a friend in Cologne. As we’re exchanging our feelings, thoughts and inpending activities such as catching up on reading, cooking, playing videogames, and knitting, I receive a message an SMS from one of the WI ladies, one of the originals letting me know that Coffee club was going virtual at 2pm.

How excited was I to receive this message. Now we’re all fairly sensible ladies within the Coffee club, and I figured that no one would have ventured out, ignoring the directive to not conduct any unnecessary socialising. 

However, I had Cologne calling – and these calls usually last some time lol.

As we said our goodbyes, my friend in Cologne states to me, that she knows that I am on my own, and that we should aim to chat more frequently, maybe every couple of days. I’m down for that, we can exchange information on how we’re getting on with self-isolation, what storms we’ve been cooking up in our kitchens, what books we’ve started. Although we’re on a 1-hour time difference, we are in the same boat. We’re all self-isolating and in such circumstances when our daily routine has been interrupted not only for ourselves but that of each other, checking in on each other is important. 

So back to Coffee club. 

I went to the WI lady contact details in my What’s App, to let her know that I’m free and that I would like to join the What’s App call. This resulted in me cutting off the virtual Coffee club, but not to worry my fellow Coffee seekers, I was in the call quicker than a rat up a drain pipe. There were 4 of us on this call – and it was nice to see the other ladies. We continued chatting for another 30-40 minutes and we said our goodbyes. 

Now we’re all of varying ages, I’m unsure the exact age, however, what is great during this testing time, is how many of us have the digital devices to connect and maintain some kind of normality, with some adaptation.

Coffee club has adapted, and next Saturday we’ll be meeting again – virtually of course!

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