Damian Dadswell

Social distancing

As this pandemic continues to rage through communities, countries and continents, social distancing is still an issue.  A few days ago I was in a local supermarket, waiting patiently to pay for groceries at the till, standing on the designated taped arrows on the floor ready to walk forward to stand behind the taped box

WI Coffee Club – Zooming

A week ago the Stony Nightingales WI – Coffee Club met for the first time during COVID-19 via a What’s App group, which went very smoothly in the end. Today, because there were more than 4 of us, we had to move to a different platform. ​This didn’t become evident until we were all poised

Happy Birthday

Celebrating one’s birthday is important. It marks the day, month and time you entered this world, and birthdays usually offer clear markers in life. By markers in life I mean, in the UK, when you turn 17 years old, you can apply for a drivers license, at 18, you are legally able to go into

Ode to my Chicken

I was fortunate that just over a week again, I welcomed my Chicken for 48 hours, to hangout, cook, go to Olney, natter and my Chicken even organised my fridge freezer. Over the last 10 years or so, I’ve not necessarily been great at making sure that cards for birthdays mother’s day or father’s day

No more coffee for the foreseeable future

Over the last handful of weeks, I’ve been attending a coffee meetup in the local Costa coffee shop here in Stony Stratford.  We usually meet from around 12.30pm onwards for an hour or so. When I say ‘we’ I’m referring to some ladies who I’ve met recently via the Stony Nightingales Women’s Institute. I’ve been

Coffee club meets online!

In my earlier post, I’d noted that the WI coffee club would no longer be meeting. Well as I was sitting on the sofa this afternoon, turning the pages of the Guardian, reading intently a call came through from a friend in Cologne. As we’re exchanging our feelings, thoughts and inpending activities such as catching

#COVID19, Social Isolation & Technology

This blog post was published on the 18th March, 2020 ​#COVID19 is a worldwide pandemic and crises for all governments and citizens. Technology will and is playing an important role within our respective communities to maintain work, communication, sharing information and more importantly reduce isolation and loneliness for all! An extended blog piece is available

Count down….

It’s two days after St Patricks day, many would still be nursing a hangover, and in some cases, some may still be washing green paint off their bodies. But 2020 is different. Instead social media outlets and newspapers are wick with rumours. As I was scrolling through my Facebook last night, I noticed a friends’