I was fortunate that just over a week again, I welcomed my Chicken for 48 hours, to hangout, cook, go to Olney, natter and my Chicken even organised my fridge freezer.
Over the last 10 years or so, I’ve not necessarily been great at making sure that cards for birthdays mother’s day or father’s day reach my parents on time. Although I do appreciate Moonpig who have, I have to admit have come to my rescue from time to time. What I have always ensured each year, whether I’m in the UK, Germany or Canada is to call them, to wish them Happy Birthday, Happy Mother’s Day, or Father’s Day.
Now, their wedding anniversary is 2-days before my Chickens’ birthday, and over the last several years, I’ve taken to emailing them both (in the same email), heureux anniversaire de mariage or as the Germans would say ‘Alles Gute zum Hochzeitstag;’ – and note to them, that they both could have done time for murder (twice over) and have been out.
They kindly acknowledge my greetings and sign their emails off lol. We’re not a lovey dovey family, and our emotions are somewhere hidden below the surface.
However, Mothering Sunday 2020 is different. When my Chicken was the kettle had barely finished boiling and the first cup of tea of the weekend had been drank, before I was proudly, like a peacock, pointing to the card on my coffee table – or should I say wooden box. My Chicken laughed, as I asked – aren’t you proud of me lol.
Chicken wanted to open the card there and then, but I suggested to Chicken that she wait until Mothering Sunday.
Mothering Sunday is going to be difficult for many people, be-it those who are remembering their respective mother’s who sadly are no longer here, or those who are separated during this national and international pandemic. For many reservations will have been booked weeks and months in advance, weekend plans of holidays, and additional activities such as going to a National Trust site. What is for sure, this is no normal/regular Mothering Sunday.
My Chicken messaged me on Facebook earlier today, to ask how I was, and to inform me that she was going to open the Card because she couldn’t wait any longer. I’m pleased just 8 days ago I was able to hug and kiss my Chicken goodbye as she tootled off across the city to catch the bus back North. Many citizens will not have had the opportunity to hug their mum over the last week or so, and will not be able to do so today. Whilst telephones, videocalls, What’s App, Facetime and Skype can afford face-to-face and/or verbal communication, there’s nothing nicer than been able to physical touch and hold a loved one.
For some people, they may have decided to set up a virtual meeting with loved ones, to have a scone (home made of course), a cuppa or even a glass of Sekt; we’re very fortunate that in today’s society, many of us have the means to access and use digital technologies. Such technologies and infrastructure affords us to have these virtual meetings with loved one’s on such an important day of the calendar.
Today me and Chicken will be talking, and I’ll be wishing her Happy Mother’s Day!
Happy Mother’s Day Chicken